For most people investing money is a complicated and difficult process. Historically low interest rates mean that people have that sinking feeling that their hard earned money is simply being eroded year on year by zero or negative interest rates and the effects of inflation while it is sitting in their bank accounts.
However, there are investment funds on the market which can provide you with an opportunity to achieve a return on your money.
The type of investment plan and the funds that you invest in should always reflect your own attitude towards risk taking, the length of time that you wish to leave your money invested for and the ultimate purpose your have in mind for that money .
When offering advice on your investments we first consider the following –
- The length of time you wish to invest for
- Making sure your risk is spread
- Keeping the costs down
- Provide an annual review
- What your ultimate aims are for your funds
Although the most common purpose of most peoples long term investment needs will be their pensions, there are many other reasons why people will want to invest their money for instance short term goals such as –
- Building a deposit for a home
- Providing for children’s education
- Extending your home
- Having funds for a “rainy day”
- Buying a car
All of these goals are important elements of peoples everyday lives so get in touch to find out more.